How to contact us

By Telephone:
01228 674633

By Email to:
John Collier

By post to:
Blackdyke Farm, Blackford, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 4EY

See directions here


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There will not be any unaffiliated Pony Showjumping this winter season due to numbers falling below the level of support required for economic viability.

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Winter Leagues Points 2023-2024

Points tables will be updated on this page for both the Combined Training Leagues and AW Jenkinson Winter Eventing Leagues as the winter season progresses.

Rider Horse Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Points
Clare Chappelhow Francesca III/ Frankie Dressage 172.5 181.5 x 179.5 x 178.5 CH
SJ faults 4 x x 0 4 4
Total 168.5 x 179.5 174.5
Place 1 x 1 1
Points 7 x x 7 7 21
Adrian Rippon Happy Dressage 160.5 x 148.5 x x x RES
SJ faults 0 x x x x x
Total 160.5 x x x x
Place 2 x x x x
Points 6 x x x x x 6
Victoria Morrow Papa G Dressage 160.5 x x x x
SJ faults 4 x 0 x x
Total 156.5 x x x
Place 3 x x x
Points 5 x x x x 5
Clare Chappelhow Fellside Katy Kay Dressage x x x 172.5 x x
SJ Faults x x x x x
Total x x x x
Place x x x x
Points x x x x
Susan Chappelhow-Lacey Adonis Dressage x x x 165 x 182
SJ Faults x x x x x
Total x x x x
Place x x x x
Points x x x x
Janice Scott Dressage x x x x 193 x
SJ Faults x x x x x x
Total x x x x x
Place x x x x x
Points x x x x x
Anna Bates Divine Intervention x x x x
Claire McNay Cloonacauneen Brave Heart x x x x
Joanne Mason Woody x x x x x x
Grace Wood Drinking Buddy x x x
Grace Wood Renpaard Centrum R x x x
Clare Chappelhow Crackenthorpe Giana x x x
Rider Horse Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Points
Claire McNay Cloonacauneen Brave Heart Dressage 185 149 193.5 x x 150.5 CH
SJ faults 0 0 4 x x 4
Total 185 149 189.5 x x 146.5
Place 2 1 1 x x 2
Points 6 7 7 x x 6 26
Susan Chappelhow-Lacey Millie's Cove Dressage 193.5 x x x x x
SJ faults 0 x x x x x
Total 193.5 x x x x
Place 1 x x x x
Points 7 x x x x x 7
Clare Chappelhow Ibn Sushi   x x x x 189.5 163.5 RES
SJ faults 4 x x 4 0 4
Total 189.5 159.5
Place 1 1
Points 7 7 14
Clare Chappelhow Fellside Katy Kay Dressage 177.5 x x x x x
SJ faults 4 x x 4 4 4
Total 173.5 x x x
Place 3 x x x
Points 5 x x x x 5
Anna Bates Divine Intervention x x x x x x
Joanne Mason Woody x x x x x x
Adrian Rippon Happy x x x x x x
Grace Wood Drinking Buddy x x x x x
Grace Wood Renpaard Centrum R x x x x x
Vic Morrow Papa G x x x x x x
Janice Scott Agent Ken x x
Rider Horse Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Points
Adrian Rippon Happy Dressage x 158 157 195.5 148 160.5 CH
SJ faults 4 0 8 0 E
Total x 154 154 187.5 148 E
Place x 1 2 1 1 x
Points 7 6 7 7 O 27
Claire McNay Cloonacauneen Brave Heart Dressage x 156 173.5 x x 167.5 RES
SJ faults x 12 0 x x 0
Total 144 173.5 x x 167.5
Place 2 1 x x 1
Points x 6 7 x x 7 20
Emily McIntyre-Ward Seven x x x x x
Anna Bates Divine Intervention x x x x x x
Susan Chappelhow-Lacey Millie's Cove x x x x x
Adrian Rippon Happy x x x x x
Clare Chappelhow Fellside Katy Kay / Katie x x x x x
Clare Chappelhow Ibn Sushi / Fred x x x x
Janice Scott Agent Ken x x
Rider Horse Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Points
Adrian Rippon Happy Dressage 160.5 x 148.5 x x x *CH
SJ faults 0 0 x x x x
Arena Event 0 x x x x x
Total 160.5 x x x x
Place 1 x x x x
Points 7 x x x x 7
Claire McNay Cloonacauneen Brave Heart Dressage x 156 x x x x
SJ faults x 12 x x x x
Arena Event x x x x x
Total x x x x x
Place x x x x x
Points x x x x x x 0
Clare Chappelhow Francesca /  Frankie Dressage x x x 179.5 x 178.5 *RES
SJ Faults x x x 0 4 4
Arena Event x x x x x 0
Total x x x x x 174.5
Place x x x x x 1
Points x x x x x 7 7
Clare Chappelhow Fellside Katy Kay Dressage x x x 172.5 x x
SJ Faults x x x x x x
Total x x x x x x
Place x x x x x x
Points x x x x x x 0
Susan Chappelhow-Lacey Adonis Dressage x x x 165 x 182
SJ Faults x x x x x x
Total x x x x x x
Place x x x x x x
Points x x x x x x 0
Janice Scott Dressage x x x x 193 x
SJ Faults x x x x x x
Total x x x x x x
Place x x x x x x
Points x x x x x x 0
* Split on jumping faults.
Georgie Lindsley Maddie x x x x x x
Victoria Morrow Papa G x x x x x x
Anna Bates Divine Intervention x x x x x x
Joanne Mason Woody x x x x
Clare Chappelhow Gi x x x x
Vic Morrow Papa G x x x x
Lorraine Mackenzie Strong Chris x x x x x x x
Clare Chappelhow Crackenthorpe Giana x x x x
Emily McIntyre-Ward Not Another Grey x x x
Rider Horse Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Points
Claire McNay Cloonacauneen Brave Heart Dressage   149 193.5 x x 150.5 *CH
SJ faults 0 0 x x 0
Arena Event 0 x x 0 x
Total 149 x x x x
Place 1 x x x x
Points 7 x x x x 7
Clare Chappelhow Ibn Sushi Dressage x x x x 189.5 163.5 *RES
SJ faults 4 x x 4 0 4
Arena Event x 0
Total x 159.5
Place x 1
Points x 7 7
Clare Chappelhow Fellside Katy Kay Dressage 177.5 x x x x x
SJ faults 4 x x 4 x 4
Arena Event x x x x x x
Place x x x x x x
Points x x x x x x 0
* Split on jumping faults.
Emliy McIntyre Ward Seven x x x x x x x
Clare Chappelhow Francesca /  Frankie x x x x x x x
Adrian Rippon Happy x x x x x x x
Victoria Morrow T-Max x x x x x x x
Anna Bates Divine Intervention x x x x x x x
Susan Chappelhow-Lacey Millie's Cove x x x x x x
Claire McNay Cloonacauneen Brave Heart x x x x x x
Clare Chappelhow Ibn Sushi / Fred x x x x x x x
Vic Morrow Papa G x x x x
Clare Chappelhow Fellside Katy Kay x x x x
Lorraine Mackenzie Strong Chris x x x x x x x
Janice Scott Agent Ken x x x
Joanne Mason Woody x x x
Rider Horse Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Points
Adrian Rippon Happy Dressage   158 157 195.5 148 160.5 CH
SJ faults 4 0 8 0 E
Arena Event 0 x 4 4 0
Total x 154 x 183.5 144 E
Place x 1 x 1 1 E
Points x 7 x 7 7 0 21
Claire McNay Cloonacauneen Brave Heart Dressage   156 173.5 x x 167.5 RES
SJ faults 12 0 x x 0
Arena Event 0 x x 0 x
Total 144 x x x x
Place x 2 x x x x
Points x 6 x x x 6
Clare Chappelhow Ibn Sushi / Fred x x x x x x
Susan Chappelhow-Lacey Millie's Cove x x x x x
Georgia Lindsley Princess x x x x x
Lorraine Mackenzie Strong Chris x x x x x x
Emily McIntyre-Ward Seven x x
Janice Scott Agent Ken x x


Combined Training Leagues will run as follows:

Only members of Blackdyke Farm Competition Club are eligible to enter. The Dressage and Show Jumping phases will run on consecutive weekends every calendar month and scores from both phases in each calendar month will be combined to decide each month's placings.

Points will be awared to the top six placings at each level as follows:
1st - 7 points, 2nd - 6 points, 3rd - 5 points, 4th - 4 points, 5th - 3 points, 6th - 2 points. 1 point will be awarded to every unplaced combination. No points will be awarded to any combination that does not compete in both phases in a calendar month.

Horses and ponies are eligible to enter. British Dressage rules apply for the dressage phase and British Show Jumping rules apply for the show jumping phase. Scoring will be the dressage score less penalties in the first round of the showjumping. In the event of a tie, clear jumping rounds will be placed above combinations with jumping faults.
NB - Ponies are not eligible to take part in the jump off round of the show jumping as pony combinations will not be placed in the unaffiliated horse show jumping classes.

The Combined Training Leagues will be held at three levels:-

Preliminary level dressage test with 70cm show jumping

Novice level dressage test with 80cm show jumping

Novice level dressage test with 90cm show jumping

Entries for the dressage phase must be made online on Horse Monkey - select the correct test for the level at which you wish to compete. BD Affiliated competitors' scores in the designated tests will count towards the Leagues. Unaffiliated competitors should enter the designated unaffiliated ssections.

Entries for the show jumping phase will be taken on the day only. No times will be allocated.

AW JenkinsonWinter Eventing Leagues will run as follows:

Only members of Blackdyke Farm Competition Club are eligible to enter. The Dressage, Show Jumping and Arena Eventing phases will run on consecutive weekends every calendar month and scores from all three phases in each calendar month will be combined to decide each month's placings.

Points will be awared to the top six placings at each level as follows:
1st - 7 points, 2nd - 6 points, 3rd - 5 points, 4th - 4 points, 5th - 3 points, 6th - 2 points. 1 point will be awarded to every unplaced combination. No points will be awarded to any combination that does not compete in all phases in a calendar month.

Horses and ponies are eligible to enter. British Dressage rules apply for the dressage phase, British Show Jumping rules apply for the show jumping phase and British Eventing rules apply for the Arena Eventing phase. Scoring will be the dressage score less penalties in the first round of the showjumping, less penalties in the arena eventing round. In the event of a tie, clear jumping rounds will be placed above combinations with jumping faults.
NB - Ponies are not eligible to take part in the jump off round of the show jumping as pony combinations will not be placed in the unaffiliated horse show jumping classes.

The AW Jenkinson Winter Eventing Leagues will be held at three levels:-

Preliminary level dressage test with 70cm show jumping and 60-70cm arena eventing

Novice level dressage test with 80cm show jumping and 70-80cm arena eventing

Novice level dressage test with 90cm show jumping and 80-90cm arena eventing

Entries for the dressage phase must be made online on Horse Monkey - select the correct test for the level at which you wish to compete. BD Affiliated competitors' scores in the designated tests will count towards the Leagues. Unaffiliated competitors should enter the designated unaffiliated sections.

Entries for the show jumping phase will be taken on the day only. No times will be allocated.

Entries for the arena eventing phase must be made online on Horse Monkey. Some late entries for this phase may be available subject to numbers.

AW Jenkinson will present a £75 voucher to the Champion of each Winter Eventing League and a £50 voucher to the Reserve Champion of each Winter Eventing League to be spent on bedding products.
